New water project to benefit Villeneuve Airport

New water project to benefit Villeneuve Airport

The Province of Alberta, Sturgeon County, and Edmonton Airports announced the start of a new construction project that will bring water from the Hamlet of Villeneuve to the Villeneuve Airport.

The $2.2 million project, funded from the Government of Alberta’s Municipal Stimulus Program, will help attract investment in the Villeneuve region, creating more local jobs, and diversifying the regional and provincial economies.

“Our region has so many assets that are the envy of many other regions in the province, and the country. We have been blessed with resources, with a highly motivated and skilled work force, we have key and critical infrastructure in place that can be expanded and developed to continue growth.

“The Villeneuve Airport is just one of those key assets that has yet to reach its potential, with this funding, we will correct that, as we further diversify our local and regional economies. Logistics, Agri-food, Manufacturing, Aviation, Aerospace and Defence sectors will all directly benefit from funds well spent on providing services to this airport, as we will take advantage of the road and rail assets that are within close proximity to the airport itself,” said Shane Getson, MLA, Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland.

“This waterline, combined with the County’s broadband project, opens the doors to a wealth of opportunities to attract new business, create jobs, and grow our local and regional economies. I am proud of the partnership and cooperation between Sturgeon County, the Province of Alberta, and Edmonton Airports in advancing this project and helping to bring our bold vision for the Villeneuve region closer to reality,” added Alanna Hnatiw, Mayor, Sturgeon County.

As part of the announcement, Sturgeon County has also confirmed that it is officially working with Edmonton Airports to operate the Villeneuve Airport water and sewer network system.

Water, sewer, and communications infrastructure (such as broadband internet) are the basic needs of a business. The waterline will provide more reliable access to water, reduce costs, and eliminate the need for truck transport.

A dedicated water supply will also allow for the airport to expand and attract new investments. For existing tenants, a reliable water source provides them the opportunity to better plan and expand their own business. Currently, an average of 465 m3 of water per month is trucked into the Villeneuve Airport reservoir to meet current needs.

The new waterline will be constructed along the north side of Highway 633 to Range Road 270, bringing water from the reservoir located in the Hamlet of Villeneuve to the airport’s reservoir.

Construction is set to begin at the end of July and be completed in October 2021.


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