Priority Freight has donated 180,000 IIR medical face masks, costing over £100,000, to assist multiple charities and organisations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Representing the largest charitable donation the company has ever made, the masks are being shipped and personally delivered by employees at Priority Freight to 30 organisations and charities across Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom.
“Having fought hard to get our company back into a strong position this year, we wanted to give something back to people who literally spend every hour, of every working day, helping those in need,” commented Neal Williams, Priority Freight’s Group managing director.
“We asked our team members at our offices across Europe for suggestions on where to donate some much-needed medical supplies and were delighted with the response. It’s been a tough year for charitable organisations that do great work globally and in local communities, so we hope the masks will provide some relief and protection from infection,” Neal added.
Manufactured to the highest European technical standards, the masks will be worn by front-line workers at charitable organisations, multiple university hospitals and medical institutions, as well as elderly and youth care homes, homeless shelters and poor refugees in Africa. See overleaf for details.
For example, Priority Freight recently handed over 2,500 masks to Noel Beamish at the Dover Outreach Centre, a charity set up to help local people out of homelessness.
Noel Beamish added: “We rely on kind-hearted, local people to help us carry out our activities, from Winter Night Shelters to Soup Kitchens. The last thing we want to do is put them, or the people we help, at risk from this terrible virus. There’s certainly light at the end of the tunnel with the vaccine, but we still need PPE and will do for many weeks and months ahead. Thank you Priority Freight for this generous donation.”
Priority Freight is an expert in providing the fastest, most cost-effective and reliable time, critical logistics solutions, with an industry-leading reaction time of under 15 minutes and an on-time delivery rate of 99.6%.