Green Terminal Pact sets Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminal on its mission to achive Net Zero

Green Terminal Pact sets Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminal on its mission to achive Net Zero

Hong Kong Air Terminals Limited (Hactl) has launched a voluntary Green Terminal Pact (GTP), as part of its move to reduce emissions and achieve its net zero target.

The GTP has been set to engage its tenants in Super Terminal 1 in reducing emissions and using more sustainable ways to achieve net zero by reducing carbon footprint.

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Hong Kong Air Terminals Limited (Hactl) has chosen to be the part of GTP for its tenants to reduce energy consumption and prepare itself for Hong Kong’s Municipal Solid Waste charging scheme. Hactl has initiated installations of smart meters in their tenants’ offices to track the exact energy consumption and have briefed on its new waste charging schemes. Furthermore, hactl has installed additional recycling facility within terminal premises and will continue to collect waste for recycling allowing tenants to manage and reduce their waste.

Speaking on this occasion, Wilson Kwong, Hactl Chief Executive stated that “We are very proud to launch this exciting new initiative and play our part in making Hong Kong International Airport a leader in aviation industry sustainability. We are very grateful to our tenants for their highly positive reception for the Green Terminal Pact which will help ensure success in achieving its aim.”

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The sustainability-themed tenant engagement program that includes a Performance Reward Scheme with participating tenants can set targets for reduced energy consumption and waste, and increased recycling. Successful achievement of targets will earn trophies and vouchers that tenants’ employees can use to buy goods from local social enterprises. Hactl is the first member of the Hong Kong International Airport business community to launch such a program.

GTP was officially launched on 20th March at Super Terminal 1 with initiative to set motion to the efforts of ongoing sustainability programs at Hactl. Although the GTP is a completely voluntary program, all the tenants at the Hactl have engaged proactively in the initiative with more than 70% of the occupying tenants already signed up towards the GTP.

Picture of Ajinkya Gurav

Ajinkya Gurav

With a passion for aviation, Ajinkya Gurav graduated from De Montford University with a Master’s degree in Air Transport Management. Over the past decade, he has written insightful analysis and captivating coverage around passenger and cargo operations. Gurav joined Air Cargo Week as its Regional Representative in 2024. Got news or comment to share? Contact


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