Brussels Airport launches the first TIACA BlueSky community programme

Brussels Airport launches the first TIACA BlueSky community programme

The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA), Air Cargo Belgium and Brussels Airport has formally announced the first TIACA BlueSky community program.  The TIACA BlueSky program, launched in 2022, is the air cargo and logistics industry’s only program designed to provide individual companies with a verified independent assessment of their sustainability credentials.  Air Cargo Belgium and Brussels Airport Company have established a sponsorship fund which will support 15 members with their BlueSky assessment by co-sharing their fees into the globally first TIACA BlueSky community program. Not only will this deliver the individual assessment to the members, more importantly this initiative will also provide a community report outlining Air Cargo Belgium’s shared sustainability objectives. The BlueSky assessment covers 8 crucial areas of a company’s sustainability activity;

  1. Decarbonisation
  2. Elimination of waste
  3. Protection of biodiversity
  4. Support for local economies and communities
  5. Improvement of lives and social well-being
  6. Efficiencies and profitability
  7. Attraction, retention, and development of employees
  8. Building and nurturing of partnerships

The program which will run until Q2 2024 will provide additional support for participating organisations and the collective results will also provide Brussels airport and Air Cargo Belgium clear guidance as to where their community could benefit from additional sustainability project initiatives. “One of TIACA’s main focuses is to collaborate and unite the industry. The launch of a BlueSky Community program shows how much we can get done if we work together for a common front. This initiative is focused on creating a sustainable future by assessing and tracking where an airport community is on its path towards a sustainable air cargo. I couldn’t be happier that Brussels Airport and Air Cargo Belgium have chosen to embrace this initiative and encourage their community to continue their progress toward a sustainable future. We all know that Brussels Airport takes pride in all of its efforts toward sustainability, it shows in all they do. We look forward to seeing the results of the BlueSky assessment as well as seeing how the Brussels air cargo community continues on its path to sustainability.” Steven Polmans, TIACA Chair Geert Aerts, Chief Cargo & Real Estate Officer, Brussels Airport Company : As a leading organisation within the Stargate EU Green Deal initiative, Brussels Airport has recently successfully completed the Bluesky assessment . With this first TIACA BlueSky community program, Brussels Airport continues to pioneer, in collaboration with our tight-nit Brucargo communitytowards a more sustainable cargo Industry.  Freek De Witte, Director Air Cargo Belgium: From the point of view of shippers and also from a societal perspective, the air cargo sector has a specific challenge when it comes to becoming more sustainable. As Air Cargo Belgium we want to stay ahead of the curve by implanting this unique approach towards a ever more sustainable air cargo community.

Picture of Edward Hardy

Edward Hardy

Having become a journalist after university, Edward Hardy has been a reporter and editor at some of the world's leading publications and news sites. In 2022, he became Air Cargo Week's Editor. Got news to share? Contact me on


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