Air Cargo Week’s new look

Air Cargo Week’s new look

Constantly striving to better serve its readership and the industry at large, Air Cargo Week is proud to unveil a transformation in its look, feel and content, aimed at delivering even more in-depth articles, insightful interviews and comprehensive coverage.

“Since joining Air Cargo Week as its Managing Director six months ago, I have seen first-hand how dedicated, professional and committed the team is delivering the best possible content for the industry,” Steven Polmans said.

“I’m unbelievably proud of what we’ve been able to achieve in the past months and weeks and I’m confident that our loyal readers and new followers alike will agree that our new approach will elevate the industry discourse.”

An industry platform

Air Cargo Week recognises the immense value that associations and organisations bring to the aviation and cargo sectors.

As such, we have launched ‘Voice of the Industry’, offering a unique window into the issues, trends, challenges and solutions being championed across the industry and the role different bodies play.

“We’re honoured to be able to provide this space to amplify industry voices. This will serve as a platform to showcase the work of organisations and facilitate meaningful dialogue,” Polmans explained.

Informative and engaging

At its heart, Air Cargo Week will remain the reliable source of information and news that has made it a household name over the past 25+ years.

In our newspaper, we will focus on in-depth stories, interviews and articles. Our website and social media platforms will cover industry updates and hot news as well as what is going on in the world of air cargo and at certain events and exhibitions.

Alongside traditional articles, we will also deliver a fun, light-hearted segment titled ‘Did you know?’ in our newspaper, bringing our readers interesting stories from throughout the history of the industry.

Showcasing people

Behind every cargo movement, there are passionate people propelling the industry forward, reminding us that individuals make a difference. Air Cargo Week wants to shine the spotlight on key figures in all sectors by bringing back ’60 Seconds With’.

Through quick fire questions, our readers will get an insight into industry players, what keeps them busy, what is important to them and some life lessons. “At all levels, people are the beating heart of operations,” Polmans stated. “Our returning ‘60 Seconds With…’ feature will provide a relaxing insight into these workers and we look forward to speaking with new and old faces alike in due course.”

Environmentally conscious

As the demand for air cargo continues to soar, so too does the industry’s environmental footprint, prompting a concerted effort to address its impact on the planet. “With the industry pushing for a more sustainable future, Air Cargo Week is stepping up to do its part. Committed to creating a better world, we are launching Solidarity Advertising,” Polmans announced.

“Going forward, our advertisers will have the chance to work with us to support non-governmental organisations (NGOs) by enhancing their advertisements with a 5 percent donation, which Air Cargo Week will match, totalling a 10 percent contribution to charity for all advertising through this initiative.

“The NGOs we select are carefully verified and we have ensured coverage across a variety of causes. including children, environment, education, women, oceans, animals, basic needs access, health, and economy – all the areas that are key to building a better future. Sustainability can not be high enough on the agenda and we all have a responsibility to act. Air Cargo Week will share some more on this initiative in the weeks and months to come.”

Picture of Edward Hardy

Edward Hardy

Having become a journalist after university, Edward Hardy has been a reporter and editor at some of the world's leading publications and news sites. In 2022, he became Air Cargo Week's Editor. Got news to share? Contact me on


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