The future of air cargo communities

The future of air cargo communities

As the Director of Air Cargo Belgium, I have the privilege of leading a vibrant community that played and plays a trailblazing role in the air cargo industry.  However, maintaining the relevance of air cargo communities in a rapidly evolving industry is no small feat. From the outside, there is the triple threat of competing airports and communities, competition from sea freight and societal pressure on the aviation industry. This triple threat increases the pressure on our members and, in turn, increases expectations of what a community needs.

At Air Cargo Belgium, our mission is clear: to ensure that all members, regardless of size, feel valued and heard, to foster honest and open feedback, to keep stakeholders deeply engaged, and to align our vision closely with that of Brussels Airport, the airport operator. Achieving these objectives is essential for the collective prosperity of our 165 members.

One size fits all

A thriving air cargo community must cater to both large and small members. Major players often drive significant volumes and innovation, but smaller members bring agility, niche expertise, and critical local knowledge. It’s essential to create a balanced environment where each member’s contributions are recognised and valued. At Air Cargo Belgium, we strive to implement policies and initiatives that support this balance. For instance, offering tiered membership structures can provide smaller companies with affordable access to resources and networking opportunities while ensuring larger firms receive the visibility and influence they require.

Cultivating open feedback

Open communication channels are the lifeblood of any dynamic community. Members must feel comfortable sharing their experiences, challenges, and suggestions. This transparency not only fosters trust but also drives continuous improvement. Establishing a culture where constructive criticism is welcomed and utilised to enhance operations is crucial. By demonstrating that member input directly influences community decisions, we can build a more cohesive and responsive organisation.


Engagement: Beyond participation

Keeping stakeholders engaged requires more than just regular meetings and updates. It involves creating a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Currently, Air Cargo Belgium is updating its strategy with involvement of its members. This will ensure a continued shared purpose for the entire community. 

Engaging activities, such as networking events, “Cargo Talks” workshops and engaging with young professionals strengthen bonds within the community. At Air Cargo Belgium, we’ve found success in organising thematic working groups that tackle specific issues, allowing members to delve deeply into topics of interest and contribute to tangible outcomes. We also recognise and celebrate member achievements through our yearly Air Cargo Belgium Awards, reinforcing the value each stakeholder brings to the table.

Identifying new topics and trends

Staying relevant means continuously evolving. This requires a keen eye on industry trends and emerging challenges. Regularly consulting with members, industry experts, and conducting market research are vital practices. At Air Cargo Belgium, we prioritise innovation, sustainability and digitalisation.  We invite thought leaders to discuss future trends, such as sustainability, digitalisation, and pharmaceutical developments. The rapidly evolving customs landscape in Europe will become an important part of our community activities. This proactive approach ensures we are not only responding to changes but also anticipating them, positioning our community at the forefront of the industry.


Symbiosis with the Brussels Airport Company

Our partnership with Brussels Airport Company, the airport operator, is foundational. A complementary vision between the air cargo community and the airport operator ensures aligned objectives and complementary operations. Regular strategic meetings to align on goals, challenges, and opportunities are essential. At Air Cargo Belgium, we work closely with Brussels Airport to ensure our community’s needs and perspectives are integrated into the airport’s broader strategy and the other way around. This collaboration has facilitated infrastructure improvements, enhanced operational efficiency, and promoted a unified approach to external challenges.

A community is hard work

By fostering a community where every member has a voice, where feedback shapes our path, and where our vision is aligned with that of the airport, we can ensure a prosperous future for all. As simple as it sounds, it is hard work every day again. But the dedication of the team, the energy of the members and the steering by the governance, drive us to remain at the forefront of air cargo communities.

Freek De Witte
Director of Air Cargo Belgium


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