60 Seconds With … Fabrice Panza

60 Seconds With … Fabrice Panza

Fabrice Panza, Manager of Products at Etihad Cargo, has over 25 years of regional and international experience in sales and business development. Having begun his aviation career as a Station Commercial Representative at Air France in 1998, he spent over 12 years at the carrier before moving to Etihad in 2020.

How did you get into airfreight/logistics?

Getting into air cargo was a complete accident! I was working with Air France in statistics, producing dashboards and CRM reports for the passenger division, and an opportunity for a sales representative in the cargo division came up in 2008. As it turns out, it was a perfect fit, and the rest is history!

What’s something we wouldn’t know about you from your CV?

I love chess! I don’t get as much time to play as I would like, but when I do, I enjoy a game of chess and spending time trying to master it.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

I would love to see into the future! Life would be so much easier if you could plan for whatever is coming next.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

I have a tendency to look back at past actions and regret what I did or didn’t do. I spend a lot of time wondering, ‘What if?’ I think the best piece of advice that I received that I should follow more is not to spend so much time looking back and feeling sad about what did or didn’t happen. It’s much better to own what has happened, accept that everything happens for a reason, be proud of what you have achieved and focus on doing better in the future.

Early riser or night owl?

Until the last few years, I was always a night owl. These days, I am very much an early riser.

If you could have dinner with any three people, living or dead, who would it be and why?

That’s a hard question! If I had to pick just three, I’d like to sit down for a meal with Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein and Nelson Mandela. Although they are all so different, they have all had a profound impact on my life. Growing up, and even now, I’m passionate about basketball, and Michael Jordan is an absolute legend. Albert Einstein got me excited about science and challenged me to look at the world around me in a different way. Nelson Mandela is just such an inspiration. Even in the face of enormous adversity, he remained true to his beliefs and his ongoing fight against unfairness is something that resonates with me.

What hobby have you always wanted to try but never got around to?

I’m very lucky that I have got to try the hobby that I was passionate about, which is driving race cars. In terms of what’s left on my bucket list, I would love to try parachuting. There’s something about jumping out of a plane and taking that leap of faith that appeals to me.

What’s your most used emoji?

Laughing out loud!

What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?

My first real adventure was when I was 14 years old and in the Scouts. I spent two days in a forest all alone, with just a few necessities, including a box of matches, and I had to take care of myself, including staying hidden and making bread. While I have tried to have a life full of adventure since then, that experience stands out as being the first time I had to be fully independent and self-reliant.

If you have not pursued a career in airfreight, what other field would you have liked to go into?

If I didn’t have a career in air cargo, I think I may have stayed in the military. I joined the army when I was very young, and over the three years I was there, I had the opportunity to train new recruits, helping them develop new skills and learn to lead. I enjoyed helping the young people I worked with become a better version of themselves and took real pride in helping them to advance their own careers.

What quote has most resonated with you?

Per aspera ad astra, which is a Latin phrase that means “through hardships to the stars”. Toy Story fans may be more familiar with a similar quote, “To infinity and beyond!” I think this quote stands out for me because I genuinely believe that even when we face challenges and obstacles, we can all make a difference.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

My absolute favourite meal is my grandmother’s pizza, but I’d also be happy to eat my homemade lasagna for the rest of my life.

Looking back over your career, what would your message be to someone considering a career in logistics?

The best advice I could give someone is to keep learning and keep being curious. Logistics and air cargo are so dynamic, and they encompass every kind of role, whether that be in finance, technology, operations or sales. The thing that you need in order to succeed, no matter what role you’re in, is the ability to adapt, develop and collaborate.

Who is your role model?

My dad is my role model. He literally shaped me into the man I am today, and I am so grateful for him.

How do you motivate your team?

I think the most motivating thing is to lead by example. I’m passionate about what I believe in and am fully engaged in what I do, and I make sure my team sees this. It’s also so important to be supportive of team members and take the time to explain why we do what we do.

What would your autobiography be called?

‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’. It is also the motto for the Olympic games, it is also how I try to live my life – faster, higher, stronger. I am committed to living my life with passion and always striving to be better tomorrow than I was yesterday.

Picture of Anastasiya Simsek

Anastasiya Simsek

Anastasiya Simsek started her journalism career in 2016 at Ukrainian TV-Channels: 24 Channel and 1+1 Media. Having worked across a number of different sectors, including news, medicine and lifestyle, she joined the Air Cargo Week editorial team in 2024. To share your news and exclusive insights, contact Anastasiya.Simsek@AirCargoWeek.com


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